The four-in-hand necktie (as distinct from the four-in-hand knot) became fashionable in Great Britain in the 1850s.
Early neckties were simple, rectangular cloth strips cut on the square, with square ends. The term four-in-hand originally described a carriage with four horses and a driver, and the Four-in-Hand Driving Company was founded in 1856.
One story is that carriage drivers knotted their reins with a four-in-hand knot, while another version is that carriage drivers wore their scarves knotted 'four-in-hand.' Most likely, members of the club began wearing their neckties in that style, thus making it fashionable.
The shape of neckties has evolved, but the four-in-hand is still a mainstay of modern neckwear, showing it to be a true classic.
We offer a full line of men's period necktie styles which are suitable for movie and TV production, theatrical, living history and performing arts requirements, and are also perfect for giving a vintage feel to a modern wardrobe. Please contact us if you have any questions!
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